Thursday, August 4, 2016

MU Origin Guide: Wings, Ranks and Titles

In the game MU Origin, attributes are very important when it comes survival as well as PK (PVP). No matter how cool your items are if you have a very low attribute (such as Attack damage and Magic damage), you will be half useless against someone who has lesser items but with greater stats. That is why it is important to increase the grade of your wings and also your ranks and titles.

  • Looking fo MU ORIGIN 2? Click here for the awesome guide!

Wings, aside from adding coolness to your character, enhances your attributes greatly. It is important the sooner you have your wings on its Grade 1 level, you must immediately find ways to upgrade that one while you're still trying to level up. To upgrade wings, you will need Feathers (lots of them) for the starting phase of an upgrade then the Hawk's Spark (lots of them also) which will help it upgrade to a next grade.

Grade 4 Wings on its Feather stage.

Here are the ways to earn Feathers and Hawk's Sparks:

  • You get feathers by logging in daily through the "Continuous Login" and "Daily Online" freebies. Although you get it by chance, getting Feathers are actually higher, I can get around 3 to 5 Feathers during my daily login, which is on a 7-days maximum shuffle.

  • Dungeons: Clear as many dungeons as you can, bosses will give feathers if you defeat them. Take advantage of the "Raid" system where, if you finish the dungeon in less than 3 minutes, you will be granted instant finish of your dungeon without going in and killing all those monsters. Get all those quotas per day and enjoy your Feathers.

  • Demonic Tower: The haven for Feathers and Hawk's Sparks, clear as many stages as you can then use your daily Raid quota to take another batch of Feathers and Hawk's Sparks.

  • Bound Diamonds: You can purchase Feathers and Hawk's Sparks using Bound Diamonds, but I don't recommend using this method to buy Feathers since gathering it is too easy and you should spend your Diamonds on Hawk's Sparks instead since it is rare to gather than Feathers.
But wait a minute, before you spend all your Diamonds on Hawk's Spark, there are other things to consider: Achievement and Fame Seals.

Bound Diamonds Mall: Achievement Seal, Fame Seal, and Hawk's Spark prices indicated.

Achievement and Fame Seals are used to upgrade your Title and Military Rank, this entitlement also gives attributes which will be essential to your character. The easiest way to gather Achievement and Fame seals is through farming Bound Diamonds.

Earn these Seals by doing Recharge Rebates by spending cash in-game.
Other sources for Achievement and Fame Seals are Karima Temple (a team Dungeon), Recharge Rebates (for those who wants to spend cash in-game), and Main Quests.

Achievement Title
Achievement Tab, Fearless Title
The Achievement Title will be displayed on the on top of the name of your character, it brings pride to a player knowing he has reached a certain Title. As you can see, the next stage, The Punitive Title requires 175,000 Achievement Points. Farm Bound Diamonds by doing Suppress Daily Quests, joining Crystal Mirage and other server events.

You can also gain achievement points by doing in-game achievements. Better than nothing right?
Other sources of Achievement points are participating in events like King of PK and Camp Battle which gives off High amount of Achievement Points.

Military Rank

Military Rank Tab, the more rank, the greater attribute bonus.
The Military Rank, however, is quite different, aside from farming Fame Seals with Bound Diamonds, Fame can be earned by participating in PK events. It is MU Origin's PVP (Player Versus Player) game mode.

Earn Fame by challenging players, doesn't matter if you lose, you still get 2,500 Fame in Total after challenging 10 players.

Other ways to earn Fame Seals are Dungeons, worshiping the King of PK's avatar in Warrior's Land, participate in events like Angel's Shrine

Upgrading your wings, title and rank help increase your Battle Points which will be used for ranking system in-game. If you focus on upgrading these features, you will likely be successful in doing Daily Quests, the more upgrades, the easier to kill the monsters and the faster things are done. It will be easier to farm items in events like Devil Square because of very high attributes and more damage done to monsters in-game. More damage to monsters means the loots are all yours. Happy Farming!

If we did not cover all of your questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below.

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