Thursday, August 4, 2016

MU Origin Guide: Battle Points Farming

My Magician with a 76,752 Battle Point, but to be honest, it's quite small for my level, it was before I realized the ways.
Battle Points is one of the most important points in the MU Origin game, aside from lifting your character up to the ranking system, higher Battle Points (BP) correlates to a very strong character.

  • Looking fo MU ORIGIN 2? Click here for the awesome guide!

These are the factors that help increase Battle Points: 
  • Character Level
  • Attributes (each level up increases your BP by 10 to 15 because of stats upgrade)
  • Equipment Grade, Level, Strengthen, Nurture and Appends
  • Military Rank
  • Achievement Title
  • VIP Buffs
  • Wings grade
It will not be easy to farm for Battle Points, but doing stuff in-game can increase your Battle Points without you noticing it. Most of the things you do in the game like farming for items, killing bosses, doing dungeons, leveling up, questing, upgrading your items, farming for crystals to purchase Talisman can relatively increase your Battle Points.

Focus more on killing bosses than doing PK, and for equipment, make sure to focus more on weapons than defensive equipment (like Armors). Weapons give more BP than defensive equipment. It is important to farm Crystals to increase Talisman grade and do all important stuff in the game daily that will help you loot more items, upgrade your wings, rank, and title to help achieve the highest BP as possible.

You can also follow this in-game guide for you to know the next step you should be doing to enhance BP.

Spending too much time on the game does not help you increase your Battle Points, you can just spend 1 to 2 hours in-game daily by accomplishing all the daily resets like Dungeons and Events and do the same cycle every day until you reach the maximum potential of your character.


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