Thursday, August 4, 2016

MU Origin Guide: Where to spend Crystals?

Some players asked where and when is the best time to spend the in-game crystals. Crystal is another type of in-game currency where you can purchase for a Talisman, exchange for an item, advance an item or use it to upgrade your character's skills. 

Crystal exchange Tab

With all so many benefits of this currency, players should be wise in where to spend these currency. Crystal is not easy to farm like Gold, you can earn it by recycling items, do dungeons and participate in events like Crystal Mirage.

Like other pro players out there in-game, there should be only two or three ways to spend your Crystals:

Grade 2 Talisman
Exchange Crystal with Talisman: Talisman is an item that will enhance your stats and gives you a high amount of Battle Points, its expensive but its worth buying for. The higher the grade, the greater the stats.

Skills Tab
Upgrade Skills: Take a note that I upgraded most of my skills to level 31, but this was my mistake, I spent too much Crystals by upgrading all skills. The tip here is, only upgrade the "Buff" skill, which in my part as a Magician, is the Guardian of Spirit skill, which reduces the damage my character takes. The damage skills, however, can just climb up with your item, wings, ranks and titles upgrade, so don't focus on them yet. Better use Crystals to upgrade only the last skill then spend the rest of them with Talisman.

The Furnace Tab: Advance Feature
Advance Items: One awesome feature in-game is the Advance Feature in the Furnace Tab. Here you can upgrade your current items into a more advanced one. It requires a wholesome amount of crystal but trust me, it will be worth it.

Be wise in spending your Crystals, they're not easy to farm, so you should only focus on these three aspects to help you advance further in the game. MU Origin is a game where your choice will greatly affect the growth of your character, so being wise in spending in-game currencies will help you enhance your character as early as possible. 

Where to farm crystals? Visit this link to find out: MU Origin Guide: Farming Crystals


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