Thursday, August 4, 2016

MU Origin Guide: Crystal Farming

Crystal is one of the most important currencies in the game. Farming this currency will not be as fast like farming Gold but the method of farming this currency is quite is easy-- if you have the time of course.

I could spend less than two hours of farming Crystals daily. Here is the best method or way to farm for these wonderful and shinny green crystals that will be essential to your character's growth.

The Recycle Button
Recycle items you don't need, it will soon consume all the spaces in your inventory, since you don't need them, recycle them into crystals. The higher the item grade, the higher the Crystals. But take note, don't recycle Purple items unless you don't need them.

Drama Dungeon
Do all the dungeons you can easily finish, one of the Crystal havens is doing this daily dungeon, check the checkbox where it says, "Automatically recycle the equipment raided into Crystal" button so you could automatically convert items into Crystals. Finish the dungeon in less than 3 minutes to take advantage of the Raid system, you don't have to enter the dungeon and just finish the dungeon automatically by raiding it and see your Crystals grow.

Crystal Mirage
Participate in the Crystal Mirage event! There's nothing as easy as just looting the green Crystals in the map and get a good amount of Crystals. Sounds easy right? But here's the catch, Crystal Mirage is a PVP zone, so you have to contest with other players for the large green crystals, or actually get killed in the process. Enter the event when you think there are only a few people online, get those giant green crystals and farm them all.

Ancient Battlefield
An Ancient Battlefield is an event where you could spend 30 minutes killing a mixed variety of monsters that gives you a high amount of drop rate and EXP. Each wave you kill will always drop common items that you can convert into crystals. Make sure you're not AFK (Away From Keyboard) when you play this event because the high number of item drops will eventually make your inventory full. So recycle as often as you like so you have enough space for the loots.

You can also farm crystals by doing the EXP daily dungeon, but it only gives you like 200 Crystals, better than nothing, plus, you get a high load of experience for your character to level up.

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